Mistake You Should Not Make With A Stroller

12 Best Strollers of 2021

We think we know everything about Baby’s stroller. It’s true; we drive it almost every day for a ride, a ride. But without really realizing it, we sometimes make driving errors, adopt bad reflexes and put our baby at risk. Here are some dangerous situations and the solutions to adopt for safe walks.

Put A Diaper On The Hood

The wrong plan: when the heat rises, especially in summer, cover the stroller with a swaddle to protect Baby from the sun and provide him with shade during the ride.

What we need to do: The phenomenon has been demonstrated and explained many times: placing a diaper prevents air from circulating and only accentuates the heat inside the stroller. The best thing to do to cool your child in summer during the ride is to leave the hood up to allow air to circulate. Some convertible tops offer the possibility of opening at the back to create a draft, happiness!

Babysitting In His Stroller, Without A Harness

The bad plan: not to put the harness on Baby.

What we need to do: small or large outing, we put the harness on the child and lock it. The harness prevents the baby from slipping in his seat or finding himself dangerously leaning forward, especially if you have to go down a sidewalk. In addition, toddlers do not have a sense of danger. Without the harness, it only takes a moment of inattention for the child to escape.

Do Not Apply The Brakes When You Stop

The wrong plan: stop looking for your cell phone, more or less let go of your handlebars.

What we have to do: when stationary, if we let go of our stroller for even a second, we lock the brakes to prevent it from drifting, especially if the terrain is steep.

Put Your Stroller On The Road

The bad plan: stay on the sidewalk and get your stroller down on the road while waiting to cross.

What we must do: although the Highway Code stipulates that as soon as the pedestrian expresses his desire to cross, the motorist is required to give way to, the car can suddenly come tumbling down and mow down the stroller! With Baby, you always take the pedestrian crossings, and you never put your stroller on the road before the traffic lights turn red, and the vehicles in circulation come to a complete stop.

Leave Baby Alone In His Stroller

The bad plan: go shopping and leave baby alone in his stroller, in front of the butcher, a store

We need to take the baby out of his stroller such as a collapsible wagon and take him with us or do our shopping later! You don’t leave a child alone, unattended. The risks are various. In addition, kidnapping is, unfortunately, a possibility that exists.

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