Choosing The Right Section Of An Electrical Cable

The cable is like a pipe through which water must pass. The greater the quantity of water to be transported, the larger the diameter of the pipe must be. It’s the same for electricity! The greater the power or intensity, the greater the section of the electric cables.

Choose The Cable Section For 230 V Voltage.

Daily voltage is 230 V. Here is an indication of the appropriate section of the wires according to the intensity or the power required:

  • 1.5 mm² → 10 A → 2300 W;
  • 2.5 mm² → 16 A → 3680 W;
  • 4 mm² → 25 A → 5 750 W;
  • 6 mm² → 32 A → 7 360 W;
  • 10 mm² → 40 A → 9,200 W.

For example:

  • sections of 1.5 mm² are used for lighting;
  • those of 2.5 mm² are used for sockets, such as those used for household appliances (washing machine, refrigerator);
  • those of 4 and 6 mm² are reserved for power circuits (electric cooker, electric heating system, etc.).

What Happens If The Section Is Too Big?

If it is not to overtake, there is nothing to prevent using a more prominent conductor than necessary. Indeed, who can do the most can do the least. However, this is not necessarily useful, as it can lead to weight and cost issues.

Note: there may also be losses if the cable is very long.

If you are looking for cable ramp, please visit the link.

Risks Of Too Small A Section

A cable of too small a diameter will suffer:

  • heating due to the resistance of the cable, which can cause a fire;
  • voltage losses.

Cable Suppliers

As the range of cable passages is vast, the most common models designed for the home are distributed by most establishments; only the industrial range is available from specialists.

The distribution chains are:

  • large distributions, in the electricity department;
  • DIY Large Stores and general public stores specializing in finishing work;
  • distributors specializing in electricity and event equipment;
  • internet via e-merchants and marketplaces.

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